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August 2017

Aug 30, 2017

AET Graduate Featured in ASABE Magazine

  Joe Wright, a 2008 graduate of the NC State BAE Agriculture and Environmental Technology (AET) Program, was featured in the September/October Special Issue of EXPLORE. This magazine is published by the… 

Aug 30, 2017

Graduate Student of the Week: Kayla Kassa

Hometown Sandpoint, ID Previous degrees? Civil Engineering at Gonzaga University Who is your adviser and what are you studying? I am studying Bank Erosion and Sediment Transport in Stream Restoration… 

Aug 22, 2017

Graduate Student of the Week: Austin Wissler

Hometown Marquette, MI What are your previous degrees? B.S. Biosystems Engineering, Michigan State University Who is your adviser and what are you studying? Dr. Bill Hunt, I am studying how… 

Aug 18, 2017

BAE Welcomes New Faculty

Join us in welcoming Natalie Nelson, the newest faculty to join the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. Nelson joined BAE in August as an assistant professor. “I’m really looking forward… 

Aug 16, 2017

Garry Grabow Named Editor of Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

NC State BAE Professor Garry Grabow is the editor of the Journal of Irrigation and Draining Engineering. The Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering covers all phases of irrigation, drainage, engineering hydrology, and… 

Aug 15, 2017

Bryan M Maxwell: Graduate Student of the Week

Hometown Los Angeles, CA What are your previous degrees (major and university)? Bachelor’s in Bio & Ag Engineering, NC State Who is your adviser and what are you studying? I am…