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Graduate Student of the Week: Caleb Mitchell

Huntington, WV

Previous degrees
Civil Engineering Marshall University

Who is your adviser and what are you studying?
Dr. Bill Hunt and I’m studying the stormwater quality and quantity benefits of a subsurface gravel wetland

What first made you interested in this field?
Undergraduate research where I frequently waded in water to collect samples, an internship where I frequently climbed in and around drainage structures or streams, and a childhood pastime of extreme outdoor adventures where I frequently got muddy climbing around ephemeral or intermittent streams.

What do you like most about BAE as a field or the department?
The field work is my favorite part about BAE. To go out and collect data on a dynamic system is so fun because you never know what your going to get. It might rain, there might be wild animals, and you might not get your sample. The variability of the field site makes this discipline so entertaining and educational.

What is a little known or fun fact about you?
I am very competitive.