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Graduate Student of the Month

Nov 8, 2021

Graduate Choreographs Dance of Thesis on Streambank Erosion

Laura Riddle Layla El-Khoury enjoys solving problems. She also enjoys dancing. An engineering student in the M.S in biological and agricultural engineering program, and undergraduate alumna of the BAE department,… 

Nov 19, 2019

Graduate Student of the Week: Enrique Pena

Who is your advisor and what are you studying? Dr. Jason Ward. M.S. in Bio and Ag Engineering. I am studying the different applications of precision farming that are applied… 

Oct 23, 2019

Zachary Little: Graduate Student of the Week

Hometown Baltimore, Maryland Undergraduate Degree Environmental Science and Geography at University of Maryland, Baltimore County Who is your advisor and what are you studying? My adviser is Dr. Celso Castro-Bolinaga… 

Oct 8, 2019

Caleb Mitchell: Graduate Student of the Week

Who is your advisor and what are you studying? Dr. Hunt is advising me on the study of a subsurface flow gravel wetland that treats and controls stormwater runoff. What… 

Oct 1, 2019

Graduate Student of the Week: Qianyu Hang

Who is your advisor and what are you studying? Dr. Francois Birgand; Quantify the long-term water quality benefits of stream restoration What first made you interested in this field? I… 

Aug 29, 2019

Graduate Student of the Week: Tom DeBell

Hometown Glide, Oregon Undergraduate Degree Ecological Engineering at Oregon State University Who is your advisor and what are you studying? Dr. Chadi Sayde and Dr. Barbara Doll. I will be…