Bill Hunt
William Neal Reynolds Distinguished University Professor & Extension Specialist
Professional Engineer
Weaver Administration Bldg 210A
Dr. William F. Hunt III is a William Neal Reynolds Distinguished University Professor and Extension Specialist in North Carolina State University’s Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. Hunt holds degrees in Civil Engineering (NCSU, B.S., 1994), Economics (NCSU, B.S., 1995), Biological & Agricultural Engineering (NCSU, M.S., 1997) and Agricultural & Biological Engineering, (Penn State, Ph.D., 2003).
Since 2000, Hunt has assisted with the design, installation, and/or monitoring of over 150 stormwater control measures (SCMs), including bioretention, stormwater wetlands, innovative wet ponds, green roofs, permeable pavement, water harvesting/cistern systems and level spreaders. He teaches 20-25 short courses and workshops each year on stormwater design, function, and maintenance throughout North Carolina and the United States.
Hunt is an active member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), where he serves on the Urban Water Resources Research Council, the LID committee, and is co-chair of the Bioretention Task Committee. He was chair of the 2nd National LID Conference held in Wilmington, NC, in March 2007 and co-chaired the same conference in Philadelphia in September 2011.
Ph.D. Agricultural and Biological Engineering Pennsylvania State University 2003
M.S. Biological and Agricultural Engineering North Carolina State University 1997
B.S. Economics North Carolina State University 1995
B.S. Civil Engineering North Carolina State University 1994
Area(s) of Expertise
Stormwater management, and low impact development and green infrastructure
- Calibration and validation of DRAINMOD to predict long-term permeable pavement hydrology , JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY (2024)
- Impact Assessment of Socio-Economic Scenarios on a Water Quality Swale: An Exploratory Analysis with WinSLAMM , SUSTAINABILITY (2024)
- The potential to manage releases of Bacillus anthracis using bioretention and a high flow media filter: Results of simulated runoff testing with tracer spores Bacillus globigii , JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (2024)
- Fine scale hydrologic modelling of bioretention using DRAINMOD-urban: Verifying performance across multiple systems , JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY (2022)
- A Comparison of Methods to Address Anaerobic Conditions in Rainwater Harvesting Systems , WATER (2021)
- Effect of Visibility on Maintenance Investment and Consequent Performance of Urban Stormwater Control Measures , JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE WATER IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT (2021)
- Hydrologic Modeling of Distributed Stormwater Control Measure Retrofit and Examination of Impact of Subcatchment Discretization in PCSWMM , JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE WATER IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT (2021)
- Survey of the operational status of twenty-six urban stormwater biofilter facilities in Sweden , JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (2021)
- Field Assessment of the Hydrologic Mitigation Performance of Three Aging Bioretention Cells , JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE WATER IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT (2020)
Lifetime Fitness (LTF) is developing an existing driving range in Northeast Raleigh into a Personal Fitness Center. To complete a project conducted prior to construction, LTF has pledged to monitor their center and property which has been designed to mimic pre-development hydrology and pollutant loads. NCSU-BAE proposes to collect hydrologic and water quality data from the completed development immediately before flow exits the property (at a monitoring station constructed during phase I of this project). Data collected during this second phase will be compared to that of the earlier (pre-development) monitoring period. NCSU faculty and staff will participate in up to 4 public meetings to discuss the project as part of public service/outreach, if needed.
This project seeks to implement low impact development features on a new hotel development and monitor the impacts of the hotel���s construction on the receiving tributary that flows into the impaired Black Creek that is located in the Neuse River Basin. The hotel site will be constructed so post-development discharges will be within 10% of pre-development discharges into the tributary. While watershed restoration in the form of stormwater retrofit projects has taken place in the Black Creek watershed for 10+ years, continued development and associated runoff continues to chip away at the gains made. This high profile project with a world-renown corporate hotel chain has the potential to inform and inspire more sustainable stormwater management on highly impervious commercial sites.
The Third Fork Creek watershed is located in an older and heavily urbanized part of Durham, NC. It is impaired for Copper, Benthos, Turbidity, and TSS. Additionally, Third Fork Creek flows into B. Everett Jordan Reservoir (Jordan Lake), which has TMDLs for Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen, as well as a TMDL Addendum for High pH and Turbidity impairments associated with the State chlorophyll-a standard in Jordan Lake. Major stream restoration and watershed management projects undertaken by various organizations have already realized great improvements. Much of the watershed���s urban stormwater runoff, however, remains untreated prior to entering Third Fork Creek. This proposed project will uplift three existing SCMs (Dry Detention Basins) in the watershed and convert them into new SCMs (Constructed Stormwater Wetlands) that better address the water quality needs of Jordan Lake and Third Fork Creek. Dry detention basins (DDB���s) offer minimal water quality benefits compared to constructed stormwater wetlands (CSW���s); the latter can maintain similar temporary volume storage while greatly improving treatment of TSS, phosphorus, and nitrogen. The proposed retrofits are expected to be relatively inexpensive.
This project (����������������Field Monitoring of Oldcastle BioPod BioFilters and PerkFilter Cartridge Filter���������������) aims to explore the water quality performance of two proprietary stormwater control products in North Carolina. As management of exported nutrient pollution via stormwater runoff continues to be regulated in nutrient sensitive watersheds in North Carolina, there is a growing need for stormwater control measures, products, and devices with the capability to curtail nutrient loads from stormwater runoff. This project will test the treatment capabilities of both the BioPod and PerkFilter by Oldcastle Infrastructure as they treat stormwater runoff. BioPods are tree box filters that provide highly localized stormwater treatment in densely populated and highly urban areas. The PerkFilter is a cartridge filtration system used to remove pollutants from stormwater runoff as it flows through the system. For this research, two BioPods and two PerkFilters will be installed in central North Carolina. The four devices will treat stormwater runoff from watersheds consisting of parking lot and rooftop runoff. NCSU BAE will monitor hydrology and water quality of the four systems to evaluate overall sediment, nitrogen, phosphorus, and metals removal capabilities over the monitoring period.
Wilson������������������s Hominy Creek Swamp is a Nutrient Sensitive Water (NSW) with benthos impairment. NC State University and the City of Wilson are partnering to implement a large-scale stormwater wetland that would treat runoff from most of downtown Wilson. Runoff from approximately 80-acre watershed will be treated by this off-line, flow-through wetland. As this urban SCM is large (3 acres), the funding request is separated into three proposals: (1) herein which requests funds for construction and a small amount of personnel time for construction supervision, (2) an EEG administered by the NCDOJ is providing funds for the design of the wetland, and (3) funds from the NCL&WF have recently been requested to cover all monitoring expenses. This wetland is expected to be highly effective at reducing N&P inputs to Hominy Swamp Creek, with SNAP outputs suggesting that nearly 17,000 lbs of N and more than 3000 lbs of P will be removed over a 30-year period. Because of the expected success of the project and the fact that many communities are looking for means to reduce runoff (to protect downstream underserved communities) while improving water quality, we plan to offer a flow-through wetland design workshop series in NC (including in Wilson) towards the end of this project. This workshop will disseminate information that will hopefully encourage other communities to follow a similar path. Lastly, due to the size of the ecosystem that is being created near downtown Wilson, the City will be partnering with the local science museum (Imagination Station) to develop educational displays.
Greenfield Lake is a 250-acre lake and public park in the heart of Wilmington, NC. The lake hosts an abundance of wildlife as well as thousands of residents and tourists who enjoy the lake������������������s recreational amenities. However, the surrounding development produces stormwater runoff carrying excessive nutrients, causing dangerous algal blooms, fish kills, and overall poor water quality conditions in the lake. This project aims to reduce the amount of nutrients entering Greenfield Lake by implementing low-impact-development stormwater control measures at the new site of the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. The site, which will house the Food Bank as well as the local food nonprofit, Feast Down East is located along Squash Branch, a northern tributary of Greenfield Lake. By replacing a traditional wet pond with a rainwater harvesting system and infiltration basin, less stormwater runoff will flow to the lake, reducing the overall nutrient load and decreasing the negative impacts. Additionally, the rainwater captured will be used to irrigate crops grown by Feast Down East������������������s community learning farm, increasing access to both fresh food and environmental education opportunities to the surrounding, underserved community.
Bradley Creek is a tidal creek whose bacterial impairment threatens Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach resident������������������s recreational and economic opportunities, and ecological communities. In response, the City of Wilmington has set aggressive goals for volume reduction of runoff within the watershed as a way to control and remediate water quality. In an effort to help the city meet these goals, this project proposes creating one and retrofitting four stormwater management practices with improvements that will reduce water quantity and improve water quality within the watershed. These improvements include: 1. Retrofitting the pond in the Sam������������������s Club parking lot with a bulwark. The current design of the pond has water coming into the pond very near where it exits. This means that treatment time is limited. Installing a solid barrier between the inlet and outlet will force water to flow through more of the pond and provide more treatment. 2. Expanding and converting the wet pond at University Commons into a constructed stormwater wetland. The wetland will be much shallower and contain many more plants. This conversion will not only remove more pollutants, but it will also return more of the water to the underlying groundwater through infiltration. The space will also host much more biodiversity. 3. Retrofitting a swale, or grassed ditch, with native grass species and small dams to slow and pond the water to increase pollutant removal. 4. Disconnecting 8-10 downspouts in a residential townhome complex. Rather than having the gutter downspouts flow over pavement and parking areas, it will be redirected to flow over grass or other landscaping. This way the water can seep into the ground rather than flow into storm drains. 5. Converting a parking lot roundabout into a rain garden. A rain garden is a landscaped area that collects and temporarily ponds stormwater during rain events. The garden then treats the stormwater by allowing it to soak into the ground and be used by the growing plants. This conversion will not only treat stormwater that would have otherwise gone untreated, but it will also alleviate some minor flooding within the parking lot. Together, these 5 improvements will reduce the amount of runoff entering Bradley Creek and will improve the quality of the water that does trickle into the creek. Finally, City of Wilmington personnel and NCSU faculty will deliver multiple educational efforts, targeting both local citizens and the design community.
Wilson������������������s Hominy Creek/ Hominy Swamp is a Nutrient Sensitive Water (NSW) with benthos impairment. NC State University and the City of Wilson are partnering to implement five storm water control measure (SCM) retrofits within the City Limits. The retrofits are varied and demonstrate a variety of improvements that can be made across the watershed going forward. They are: (1) the engineering of a headwaters basin to convert it into a functioning stormwater wetland, (2) the improvement of an eroding headwaters channel by either bank stabilizing or linear wetland channel creation, (3) retrofitting an existing wet pond with floating wetland islands, and (4) and (5) converting 2 alleyways into green alleys. In all, more than 130 watershed acres will be treated. In addition to the construction of these 5 retrofits, NC State and the City of Wilson will partner on multiple education programs. The first is a local wetland plant installation and maintenance workshop that will target local landscapers and City of Wilson maintenance staff. The second is a workshop that will be targeted at stormwater design and regulatory professionals highlighting specific retrofits constructed as part of this 319 grant. While the workshop series will be constructed state-wide, one of the offerings will be in the City of Wilson and will highlight these projects as part of a field tour. The City is able to provide a profound amount of match through two separate efforts. The first is the construction of a major ($1.9M) underground detention stormwater retrofit SCM in downtown and the second is applying $80,000 of a $150,000 EEG grant received for SCM design. Thus, the majority of the money requested in this grant is going towards installation (rather than being shared with a substantial amount of design costs). The City will also perform at least some of the construction for three of the SCMs to be constructed: the headwaters basin and both green alleys. A pair of watershed monitoring stations will be maintained and collected data analyzed by NC State. One monitoring station will focus on downtown Wilson runoff (and its consequent treatment); the second will focus on collective headwaters improvement. The two downtown green alley retrofits will be specifically monitored for hydrologic performance. The wet pond retrofit with floating wetland islands will be monitored for water quality improvement. Benthic macroinvertebrate testing will also be conducted at both watershed monitoring stations.
Monitoring results from traditionally designed multi-cell stormwater wetlands and flow-through wastewater treatment wetlands suggest designing stormwater wetlands as flow-through rather than capture and release systems would provide cost savings and increase the implementation of stormwater wetlands for treatment (Hathaway and Hunt 2010; Merriman et al. 2016; Drake et al. 2018; Wang et al. 2006). The purpose of this project is to determine the water quality and hydrologic benefits of flow-through wetlands. More specifically, this project will address NC DEQ concerns regarding appropriate hydraulic retention times, vegetation selection, and pollutant removal credits. Addressing these concerns will determine if stormwater wetlands can be more cost effective than equivalent SCMs (e.g. wet ponds). To the project stakeholders' knowledge single cell stormwater wetlands designed for a hydraulic retention time rather than a design volume have yet to be constructed or monitored in North Carolina.
A subsurface gravel wetland will be constructed in Raleigh, NC by the City of Raleigh. North Carolina State University (NCSU) will monitor the gravel wetland for one year, analyze the data, and synthesize the results in a final report to the City of Raleigh. If the project is successful, these water quality and hydrology data will be used to help the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality establish nutrient concentrations for subsurface gravel wetlands.
Honors and Awards
- William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor
- Blue-Green Innovator of the Year in NC
- American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Young Extension Award
- Inducted into the Academy of Outstanding Faculty Engaged in Extension (AOFEE)
- Governor's Award for Water Conservationist of the Year, NC Wildlife Foundation
- NC State Alumni Outstanding Extension and Outreach Award
- Outstanding Extension Specialist for NCSU and NCA&T for support of county programs from the NCSU Association of Extension Specialists