Ph.D. Agricultural Engineering Purdue University 1989
B.S. Agricultural Engineering The Ohio State University 1983
Area(s) of Expertise
Ground water, water quality and hydrology
- Water Conservation Potential of Smart Irrigation Technologies in the Catawba-Wateree River Basin , JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING (2016)
- Residential Irrigation Water Use in the Central Piedmont of North Carolina. I: Measured Use and Water Requirements , JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING (2014)
- Residential Irrigation Water Use in the Central Piedmont of North Carolina. II: Evaluation of Smart Irrigation Technologies , JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING (2014)
- Factors affecting uniformity of irrigation-type manure application systems , Applied Engineering in Agriculture (2012)
- Using Variability within Digital Images to Improve Tall Fescue Color Characterization , CROP SCIENCE (2012)
- Water Application Efficiency and Adequacy of ET-Based and Soil Moisture-Based Irrigation Controllers for Turfgrass Irrigation , JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING (2012)
- Linking plant ecology and long-term hydrology to improve wetland restoration success , Transactions of the ASABE (2011)
- Residential Irrigation and Water Conservation Potential of Smart Irrigation Technologies in the Catawba River Basin , World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011 (2011)
- SDI Dripline Spacing Effect on Corn and Soybean Yield in a Piedmont Clay Soil , JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING (2010)
- Leaching of Nutrients and Trace Elements from Stockpiled Turkey Litter into Soil , JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (2009)
Honors and Awards
- ASABE President's Citation
- PEI Professional Engineer of the Year
- BAE Outstanding Teaching Award
- ASABE Certificate of Appreciation
- BAE Outstanding Teacher Award