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Student Achievements – 2016


Undergraduate Scholarships

Mallory Goan—Barbara and George Blum
Vinicius Taguchi—Ronald E. Sneed NC Irrigation Society
Christopher Halford—Jane P. and Charles W. Suggs
James Homiller—Jane P. and Charles W. Suggs
Meghan Porter—J. C. and Nancy Ferguson
Sakshi Handa—E.J. Tyson
Jessica Mattingly—Dorothy S. & Eustace O. Beasley Bio & Ag Engineering, Pack Promise Scholarship
Suzanne Leonard—NC Section of ASABE, Alfred Edwards Jenkins Scholarship
Macon Boyce—NC Section of ASABE, J. Daniels Scholarship
Michael Barzaghi—NC Section of ASABE
Nicholas Williams—Dumaine Farms Production Agriculture Scholarship
Andrew Brown—Dumaine Farms Production Agriculture Scholarship
Megan Fruchte—Campaign for NC State Students Scholarship
Lauryn Kabrich—Engineering Foundation Merit Award
Lauren Kingston—Philip B. Jackson Memorial Scholarship
Matthew Parker—Engineering Foundation Transfer Award
Thomas Price—Ruby B. Smith Scholarship
Ann Lopez—Park Scholar


Undergraduate Achievements

Iman Fisher—College of Engineering Ambassador
Jessica Mattingly—University Scholar
Vinicius Taguchi—2nd Place Poster Winner at the WRRI Conference, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship


Undergraduate Student Awards

College of Engineering Senior Award Nominees

Alex Digeronimo—BAE Citizenship and Service Award
Suzanne Leonard—BAE Leadership Award

Jordan Bendl—BAE Scholarly Achievement Award,
Vinicius Taguchi—BAE Humanities Award
College of Engineering Faculty Senior Scholarship Nominee,
Meghan Porter
ASABE Student Honor Awards,
Suzanne Leonard,
Alex Digeronimo


Graduate Felowships & Scholarships

Shannon Banner—College of Engineering Graduate Merit Award, Henry D. Bowen Fellowship
Zachary Lentz—College of Engineering Graduate Merit Award, F.J. Hassler Fellowship
Jack Kurki-Fox—William H. and Glenda N. Johnson Graduate  Engineering Fellowship Stipend Endowment
Brianna Hess—William H. and Glenda N. Johnson Graduate Engineering Fellowship Stipend Endowment
Bryan Maxwell—College of Engineering Graduate Merit Award, University Graduate Fellowship
Kathryn Conroy—Provost Fellowship, University Graduate Fellowship, College of Engineering Graduate Merit Award
Rebecca Purvis—National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, University Graduate Fellowship
Rachel Taylor—College of Engineering Dean’s Doctoral Fellowship, University Graduate Fellowship, College of Engineering Graduate Merit Award
Joshua Rudd—Provost Fellowship
Veronica Mbaneme—National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, UNC Campus Enhancement Scholarship, Augustus M. Witherspoon Graduate Scholarship, Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant
Elizabeth Allen—Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant
Robert Vick—Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant
Laura Merriman—National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow
Tiffany Messer—EPA STAR Fellow
Breanna Tillett—National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow
Ana Zuleta Correa—Fulbright Scholar
Yu Liu—China Scholar
Meng Wang—China Scholar


Graduate Student Achievements

Veronica Mbaneme—Ebony Harlem Award of Outstanding Dedication, Future Faculty Development Program at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Robert Vick—CALS Stewards of the Future, 1st Place Winner Outstanding Student Research Award, Bayer CropScience Research Symposium Participant, Outstanding 4-H Livestock Program Alumni, Wilson County Livestock Association
Charlie Stillwell—2015 CALS/COS Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop Participant

Graduate Student Publications
Yane Ansanay—4, Lalitendu Das—5, Arthur James—4, Yiying Zhu—1, Hao Lu—1, Meng Wang—2 and Ryan Winston—2