Extension Publications
Publications are linked to the NC Cooperative Extension Publication Resource Catalog. They can be ordered here.
- Agricultural Operations
- Controlled Agricultural Environment
- Environmental Sustainability
- Farm Energy
- Waste Management
- Water Resources
Recent Releases
Water Resources
Irrigation and Drainage
- Agricultural Irrigation Publications, Garry Grabow
- Soil, Water and Crop Characteristics Important to Irrigation Scheduling, AG-452-01, 1996, Robert O. Evans, D. Cassel, Ronald E. Sneed
- Measuring Soil Water for Irrigation Scheduling: Monitoring Methods and Devices, AG-452-02, 1996, Robert Evans, D. Cassel, Ronald E. Sneed
- Irrigation Scheduling to Improve Water And Energy Use Efficiencies, AG-452-4, 1996, Robert O. Evans, D. Cassel, Ronald E. Sneed
- Irrigation Management Strategies to Improve Water & Energy Use Efficiencies, AG-452-5, 1997, Robert O. Evans, D. Cassel, Ronald E. Sneed
Subsurface Drip Irrigation
- SDI Considerations for North Carolina Growers and Producer, AG-695-01, 2008, Garry Grabow, Robert O. Evans, M. Dukes, D. Haman, K.Harrison, A. Khalilian, W. B. Smith, D. Ross, P.Tacker, D. L. Thomas, R. B. Sorensen, E. Vories, H.Zhu
- Site Selection for SDI Systems in North Carolina, AG-695-02, 2008, Garry Grabow, M. Dukes, D. Haman, F. Lamm
- Design and Installation of SDI Systems in North Carolina, AG-695-03, 2008, Garry Grabow, M. Dukes, E. Vories, W. B. Smith, H. Zhu, A. Khalilian
- Critical Management Issues for SDI Systems in North Carolina, AG-695-04, 2008, Garry Grabow, D. Z. Harman, R.B. Sorenson, D.S. Ross, Robert O. Evans, P. Tacker
- Load-Area Method Spreader System, AG-553-5, 1997, Robert Evans, J.C. Barker, D.Crouse
- Weight-Area Method Spreader System, AG-553-4, 1997, Robert Evans, J.C. Barker, D. Crouse
- Offsetting Drought for Small-Scale- Vegetable Production, AG-519-4, 2007, J. M. Davis, Robert O. Evans, Garry Grabow, W. R. Jester, B. Little, A. C. Thornton, J. R. Schultheis
For wastewater see waste management systems publications below
Water Resources and Restoration
- Stormwater Wetland Construction Guidance, AG-588-13, 2010, Bill Hunt, Mike Burchell, Kris. Bass, Jason. Wright
- Rainwater Harvesting: Guidance for Homeowners, AG-588-11, 2008, Bill Hunt, M. Jones
- Stormwater Wetlands for Golf Courses, AG-765, 2012, K. Bass, Mike Burchell, Robert O. Evans, Bill Hunt, Dan E. Line, D. S. Carley
- Dune Infiltration Systems for Reducing Stormwater Discharge to Coastal Recreational Beaches, AG-781, 2013, Mike Burchell,Bill Hunt, W. Price
- Restoration and Management of Coastal Dune Vegetation, AG-591, S. W. Broome, edited by Carolyn. B. Mojonnier, Greg Jennings, Jennifer L. Platt
- Water Quality Monitoring for the Assessment of Watershed Projects, NRCS Fact Sheet, 2012, D. W. Meals, D.L. Osmond, Jean Spooner, Dan E. Line
- Insights for Developing Successful Agricultural Watershed Projects, NRCS Fact Sheet, 2012, D. W. Meals, D. L. Osmond,
D. Hoag, M. Arabi, A. E. Luloff, G. D. Jennings, M. L. McFarland, Jean Spooner , A. N. Sharpley, and Dan E. Line - Effective Education to Promote Conservation Practice Adoption, NRCS Fact Sheet, 2012, Greg Jennings,D. Hoag, Mark McFarland, D. Osmond
- Conservation Practice Implementation and Adoption to Protect Water Quality, NRCS Fact Sheet, 2012, D. Osmond, D. Meals, A. Sharpley, M. McFarland, Dan E. Line
- Natural Stream Processes, AG-590-1, 1999, W. Harman, Greg Jennings
- Application of the Rosgen Stream Classification to North Carolina, AG-590-02, 1999, Greg Jennings, William Harman
- Finding Bankfull Stage in North Carolina Streams, AG-590-03, 2000, William Harman
- Using Root Wads and Rock Vanes for Streambank Stabilization, AG-590-04, 2000, William Harman, Rachel Smith
- Riparian Buffers and Controlled Drainage to Reduce Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution, Technicial Bulliden 318, 2002, D.Osmond J. W. Gilliam, Robert O. Evans
- Surface Outlets for Sediment Basins, AG439-65W, 2008, R. A. McLaughlin, Albert R. Jarrett
- A Disaster Kit for Staying at Home, CES- Disaster Preparedness, 2014, Adapted by W.Hammett, Dorothy Miner
- The North Carolina Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool (PLAT), AG-439-56, 2014, D. Osmond, D. Crouse, D. Hardy, J. Spencer, John Classen
Sustainable Waste Management
Animal Waste Management
- Swine Manure as a Fertilizer Source, AG-439-4, 1997, J. Zublena, James C. Barker, J. W. Parker, C. Stanislaw
- Poultry Manure as a Fertilizer Source, AG-439-05, 1993, J. Zublena, James C. Barker, T. A. Carter
- Dairy Manure as a Fertilizer Source, AG-439-28, 1994, J. Zublena, James C. Barker, D. Wesen
- Use of On-Farm Records for Modifying a Certified Animal Waste Management Plan AG-439-42, 2000 James C. Barker, updated 2015
- Livestock and Poultry Buildings after the Flood, NC Disaster Information, 2014, James C. Barker, Gerald Baughman, Robert Bottcher, Robert O. Evans, R. Munilla, Mark Rice, R. Sheffield, Philip Westerman, M. Morrow,J. Grimes
- Simplified Recipes for Poultry Mortality Bin Composting, AG-830, 2017, Sanjay Shah, Mark Rice, J. Stuckey
- Phosphorus Management for Land Application of Biosolids and Animal Waste, AG-439-64, 2008, K. Shaffer, D. Osmond, Sanjay Shah
Wastewater Irrigation
- Hose Drag Systems for Land Application of Liquid Manure and Wastewater, AG-634, 2005, Garry Grabow, K.S. Shaffer, Sanjay Shah
- Phosphorus Management for Land Application of Biosolids and Animal Waste, AG439-64, 2008, K.S. Shaffer, D. Osmond, Sanjay Shah
- Land Application Equipment, CAN-97-EXCA-3-0642, ext.org, Ron Shefield
- Maintenance and Off-Season Storage of Irrigation Equipment, AG-602, Ron Shefield
- Reducing Drift and Odor with Wastewater Application, AG-439-69W, 2008, K.S. Shaffer, Sanjay Shah
Field Calibration Procedures For Animal Wastewater Application Equipment:
- Weight-Area Method Spreader System, AG-553-4, 1997, Robert O. Evans, James C. Barker, D. Crouse
- Load-Area Method Spreader System, AG-553-5 1997, Robert O. Evans, James C. Barker, D. Crouse
- Hose-Drag Wastewater Equipment-Field Calibration Procedures, AG-553-08, 2007, Garry Grabow, Sanjay Shah
- Calibration and Uniformity Assessment for Animal Wastewater Application Equipment, AG-553-09, 2011, Garry Grabow, Robert O. Evans
Wettable Acreage Determination for:
- Stationary Sprinkler – Irrigation System, AG-553-6, 1999, Robert O. Evans, Ronald Sneed, R.E. Shaffer, J.T. Smith
- Hard Hose Traveler – Irrigation System, AG 553-7, 1999, Robert O. Evans, Ronald Sneed, R.E. Shaffer, J.T. Smith
Agricultural Operations
- Reconditioning Flood-Damaged Farm Equipment, CES Disaster Recovery, 2014, Gary Roberson
- Reconditioning Flood Damaged Tractors, CES Disaster Recovery, 2014, Gary Roberson
- Pesticide Application – Calibrating Chemical Application Equipment, P2017 Southeastern US Pest Control Guide for Nursery Crops and Landscape Plantings, 2017, Gary Roberson
- Chemical Application Equipment, 2017 NC Agricultural Chemicals Manual, Gary Roberson
- Agricultural Asistive Technology Toolbox Equipment, 2013,North Carolina AgrAbility Partnership, Gary Roberson, M. Proctor
Post Harvest Operations
- Packaging Requirements for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, 2017, Mike Boyette, D. C. Sanders, G. A. Rutledge
- A Guide to Intensive Vegetable Systems, AG 502, 1997, D. C. Sanders, E. Estes, K. B. Perry, D.Monks, K.Sorensen, C.Averre, M.Linker, J. Schultheis, Mike Boyette, D. Eikhoff
- Ethylene: Sources, Symptoms, and Prevention for Greenhouse Crops, 2000, B. Whipker, S. Blankenship, Mike Boyette, T. Creswell, M. Peet, J. Gibson, J. Miles
- Commercial Production of Pickling and Slicing Cucumbers in North Carolina, Ag-552, 2008, J. Schultheis, C. Averre, Mike Boyette, E. Estes, G. Holmes, D. Monks, K. Sorensen
- Postharvest Handling of Sweet Potatoes, AG 143-10B, 2008 Edmunds, Mike Boyette
Post-harvest Handling and Cooling of Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, and Flowers for Small Farms
- Part 1: Quality Maintenance, Horticultural Leaflet 800, 1995, G. Wilson, Mike Boyette, E. Estes
- Part 2: Cooling, Horticultural Leaflet 801, 1995, G. Wilson, Mike Boyette, E. Estes
- Part 3: Handling, Horticultural Leaflet 801, 1995, G. Wilson, Mike Boyette, E. Estes
- Part 4: Mixed Loads, Horticultural Leaflet 801, 1995, G. Wilson, Mike Boyette, E. Estes
- Part 5: References, Horticultural Leaflet 801, 1995, G. Wilson, Mike Boyette, E. Estes
Tobacco Curing
- Curing and Mechanization Flue-Cured Tobacco Guide 2017, Grant Ellington
- 2017 Flue-Cured Tobacco Information B. Brown, G. Bullen, J. Phillips, Grant Ellington, L. Fisher, J. Spears, M. Vann, M.Inman, K. Barnes, J.Priest, R. Seagroves, S. Whitley, G. Tart, W.D.Smith, H. Burrack, C.LePrevost, L.Thiessen, A.Toennisson, J. Cheek
Crop Production
- Planting, Harvesting, and Curing Peanuts, 2017 Peanut Information, Gary Roberson
- 2017 Peanut Information, D. L. Jordan, R.L. Brandenburg, A. B.Brown ,S. G. Bullen, Gary Roberson, B. Shew
- Fertilizer Use, 2017, Section of NC Chemical Manual, C. Crozier, D. Osmond, M.Castillo, J.Dunphy, K.Edmisten, L. Fisher, R. Heiniger, D.Jordan, JM Luginbuhl, P.Mueller, R.Weisz, D.Hardy, M.Parker, J. Pattison, G.Fernandez, B.R. Cleveland, C.Peacock, G. Miller, M.Martin, B. Fair, B. Whipker, A.LeBude, J.Schultheis, J.Davis, D.Crouse, Rhonda Sherman, W.Everman, T.J. Smyth, Sanjay Shah, G.White, D.Lindbo, C.Reberg-Horton
- Chapter IV Fertilizer Use – Livestock & Poultry, 2016 North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual, 2017, Sanjay Shah
- Avoiding Tobacco Curing Losses Due to Electrical Failures, Disaster Recovery, 2014, Grant Ellington
Controlled Environment Agriculture
Agricultural Air Quality
- Reducing Drift and Odor with Wastewater Application, AG-439-69, 2008, Sanjay Shah
Farm Energy
- A guide to Biomass Fuels in North Carolina, AG-873, 2014, Matthew Veal, W. G. Brown
- Ethanol and Two-Stroke Cycle Engines: Impacts of an Alternative Fuel in Small Engines, AG-784, 2014, Matthew Veal
- Energy Pellets: A Heating Fuel Resource for North Carolina Farms and Homes, AG-785, 2014, Matthew Veal, Mari S. Chinn, Matthew Whitfield
- Sweet Sorghum Ethanol Production, 2016, Matthew Veal, Mari S. Chinn, Larry Stikeleather, Matthew Whitfield
- Sweet Sorghum Production to Support Energy and Industrial Products, 2016, Matthew Veal, Mari S. Chinn, Matthew Whitfield
- Ethanol: A Gasoling Alternative for North Carolina, AG-687, 2007, Matthew Veal, Mari S. Chinn
- Avoiding Tobacco Curing Losses Due to Electrical Failures, Disaster Preparedness, 2014, Grant Ellington, M. Smith
- Purchasing a Backup Generator for the Farm Disaster, Preparedness, 2014, Grant Ellington, M. Smith
- Getting Into Hot Water – A Practicle Guide to Hot-Water Heating Systems, AG-377 or 398, Mike Boyette, Rupert Watkins
Environmental Sustainability
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Description and Methodology, AG-795, 2015, Kevin Caffey, Mari S. Chinn
- Carbon Accounting: Description and Methodology, AG-793, 2015, Kevin Caffey, Mari S. Chinn