Environmental Analysis Lab
We Analyze, Evaluate and Test
The Environmental Analysis Lab is a waste management and water quality sampling and evaluation service which is used by the department, state agencies, municipalities, and other UNC system university colleges.
What we do: The lab analyzes, evaluates and tests agricultural crop residues and plant tissue, soils, solid and liquid wastes and effluent water and waste water samples for waste management, water quality, and agricultural sampling to EPA standards and protocols. It is a fee-based campus testing service center.
Location: Weaver Laboratories building
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
NC State University Campus, Raleigh, NC, 27695
Hours of Operation: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday — Friday
Phone: (919) 515-6766
Fax: (919) 515-7760
Contact Lab Manager: Dr. Cong Tu, Research Specialist
Lab Oversite: Faculty Supervisor Dr. Jay Cheng
Types of Analysis
- Water (e.g., ground water monitoring wells, drinking-well water, agricultural run-off,etc.)
- Waste Water (e.g., lagoon liquid, food processing, effluent, poultry processing sludge, etc.
- Solid Waste (e.g., poultry litter, compost, manure, etc.)
- Soils ( e.g., waste amended soils, background soils, etc.)
- Plant tissue (e.g., Bermuda grass, corn leaf, etc.)
The procedures are mainly EPA approved wet chemistry analyses of nutrients, mineral demand, and metals.
For a complete list see Analysis List.
Analytical Procedures
Analysis Lab Equipment
Major equipment used:
- Lachat QuikChem8500 Series 2 FIA system
- 3 dual channel Seal Autoanalyzer III systems
- Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
- Leco CN Analyzers for solids
- Teleclyne/Apollo 200 combustion TOC analyzer
- Gas Chromatograph
How to Order Analysis
- Contact the lab to determine the level of support required and if the project can be accommodated.
Phone: Cong Tu 919-515-6766 - Use the ANALYSIS COST SHEET USER RATE form to determine type of analysis, your costs per number of samples needing analysis.
- Sample collection, handling and storage procedures are strictly adhered to, following standard methods requirements.
- Complete the AUTHORIZATION LETTER and CHAIN OF CUSTODY sheet when submitting samples