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2020 Virtual Student Awards Banquet

The 2019-2020 Student Awards Banquet gives the department a chance to get together (virtually!) and celebrate the accomplishments and hard work over the past year.

Honored Speaker

Brandon Batten

Student Awards

View all of the awards and recognitions in the program. Watch the banquet of the live stream

BAE Senior Awards

Micah Croft – Outstanding Research Award 

Clay Honeycutt – Outstanding Community Engagement Award

Justin Spruill – Outstanding Scholarship Award

Mallory Alman – Scholarly Achievement Award

Layla El-Khoury – Humanities Award

Jack Woodworth – Citizenship and Service Award

Mitchell Watkins – Leadership Award

Faculty and Staff Recognitions

Dr. Praveen Kolar – BAE Outstanding Professor of the Year Award

Dr. Mahmoud Sharara – BAE Outstanding Young Faculty Award

Dr. Lingjaun Wang-Li – BAE Outstanding Research Award

Dr. Bill Hunt – BAE Outstanding Extension and Outreach Award

Dr. Mike Boyette – BAE OutstandingTeaching Award

Ryan Phillips – BAE Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award

Rebecca Nagy – BAE Outstanding Staff Award

Thank You To Our Donors

Eustace O. Beasley

Barbara and George Blum

Henry D. Bowen

Mae Mae Dolan

Robert O. Evans

J.C. and Nancy M. Ferguson

F.J. Hassler

James and Kathleen Hipps

Ezra L. Howell

William and Glenda Johnson

NC Section of the ASABE

R. Wayne and Judy Skaggs

Ronald E. Sneed

Jane P. and Charles W. Suggs

E.J. Tyson