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BAE at Graduate Student Research Symposium

There is never a shortage of outstanding BAE graduate students ready and willing to share their research. The Graduate Student Research Symposium is the perfect opportunity to share this research and interact with and learn from students across the university. The 13th annual symposium, held each March, includes poster presentations from more than 200 graduate students from NC State University. Posters are judged by faculty, and students receive recognition for top posters. The goals of the symposium are to showcase the outstanding quality and diversity of graduate-level research at NC State, in addition to providing students with the opportunity to practice and enhance their communication skills with those outside of their discipline.

The event is sponsored by the Graduate School and the Graduate Student Association and is open to the public.

Lise Montefiore

Coupling climate, land use, and sea level rise projections to identify threatened estuaries in North Carolina

Lise Montefiore took 2nd place in the Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources category of the Graduate Student Research Symposium. Lise works with Dr. Natalie Nelson in the Biosystems Analytics Lab. Her research focuses on quantifying spatial variability in the vulnerability of estuarine systems to global and local change.

“With this poster I wanted to present my work which combined different data from estuaries across the southeastern United States,” Lise explained. “I think it was important to present my research to share with people and to get more ideas and contacts. Some people are doing similar research at different locations than I am, and it was interesting to learn what I can add and learn from this other research.”

Ali Ajami

Windbreak wall-vegetative strip system to reduce pollutant emissions from fan-ventilated swine and poultry barns

Ajami works with Dr. Sanjay Shah to design and test windbreak-wall vegetative strip systems to reduce air emissions from barns.

“By communicating results with others that have the same concern or the same problems on farms or in the field, we can come up with ways to improve our project and come up with better solutions,” Ajami notes.

Zac Lentz

Waste Not, Want Not: Developing Value-added Products from Swine Manure

Lentz works with Dr. John Classen and Dr. Praveen Kolar to develop value-added products from swine manure.

“As our populations continue to increase, sustainable food production is going to get even important to feed all of our people.”


Rachel Taylor

Optimizing Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance for Nutrient Removal with Heated Fiber Optics

Taylor works with Dr. Chadi Sayde.

“I think the graduate student research symposium is a great place to share your research with people not only in your field of study but to people al throughout the university and different colleges and departments. A lot of time there isn’t that opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration about all the research going on at NC State.”