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Graduate Student of the Week: Amethyst Kelly

Tulsa, OK

Previous degrees
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering at Oklahoma State University

Who is your adviser and what are you studying?
Dr. Hunt & urban stormwater design

What first made you interested in this field?
It all started the summer we couldn’t get into the lake because of a blue-green algae issue… I ended up touring a GRDA facility out of summer boredom and fell in love watching the water quality testing lab. I went looking for a field that would let me get to know that world..

What do you like most about BAE as a field or the department?
The field itself is so amazing because of its versatility. BAE also has an amazing ability to function more like friends and family rather than just a department. The atmosphere is very important to me.

What is a little known or fun fact about you?
Hmmm…. I think peanut butter should be its own food group. Its amazing.